Revision of Requirements 2022

From 26 Sep to 04 Nov 2022, in the framework of the 4year-circle process of the Revision of Requirements (RoR), concerning EU response to illustrative crisis scenarios in the form of Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) Operations, the EL EU-OHQ undertook the task of conducting the planning process in the military-strategic and operational level, and delivering the required products regarding three (3) proposed scenarios. This was the first time that an OHQ assigned to fulfil this task.

The Illustrative crisis scenarios related to Peace Enforcement (PE), Rescue and Evacuation (RE) and Stabilization and Support to Capacity Building (SSCB) Operations. For the purpose of an even planning process a Joint Operations Planning Group (JOPG) was formed with the participation of nucleus national personnel enhanced with augmentees from the EU Member States.


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