EU INTEGRATED RESOLVE (IR) type exercises are conducted on a biennial basis during each even numbered years according to the EU Exercise Policy and they are considered to be the most important Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) related, training activity within the Union.

They include CSDP planning at several levels (political, politico-strategic, strategic and operational) followed by an event-driven phase in order to test the Crisis Response Mechanisms of the EU Institutions and Agencies.

The aim of the Parallel and Coordinated Exercise (PACE) concept is to exercise and establish procedures on liaison and coordination with EEAS and NATO entities in the context of the combined deployment of a civilian/military CSDP mission/operation.

Command Post Exercise (CPX) EU INTEGRATED RESOLVE 22 PARALLEL and COORDINATED (PACE) was conducted from 19 September to 18 November 22, within the context of CSDP, as a Comprehensive and combined exercise, composed of two interlinked parts, a CSDP Planning part (19 Sept-21 Oct 22) and an Event-driven part (14-18 Nov 22).

The exercise focused on the comprehensive management of a fast-paced transboundary crisis of a hybrid nature with internal and external dimensions, including cooperation with NATO in the framework of the concept on Parallel and Coordinated (PACE) Exercises.

Greece provided, for the needs of the exercise, the EL EU OHQ in Larissa and the EL EU FHQ in Nea Santa (Kilkis) as the military EU HQs, in order to conduct parallel planning, at the military strategic and operational levels respectively, during the CSDP Planning Part (03-21 Oct 22) and to execute an EU-led CSDP Military Operation during the Event Driven Part (14-18 Nov 22).

Due to its modular structure, the exercise was interlinked with the Certification Exercise of the HELBROC BG that provided the opportunity to enrich CPX EU IR22 (PACE) with a LIVEX during the Event Driven part, thus including, for the first time, the Tactical level to an EU exercise, adding to the complexity level of the endeavor.

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