EU Military Exercise (MILEX) type exercises are conducted in an annual basis and they focuses on the interaction among the EU Military Staff (EUMS), an EU Operation Headquarters (OHQ) and an EU Force Headquarters (FHQ) to plan an autonomous CSDP Military Operation.

MILEXs are conducted in a form of a Command Post Exercise (CPX) with the aim to further enhance the EU decision-making military capacity in the area of security and defence within the EU Integrated Approach.

Military Exercise 19 (MILEX 19) was conducted from 04 to 15 Nov 19 in the framework of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).

Greece provided the EL EU OHQ in Larissa and the EL EU FHQ in Nea Santa (Kilkis) as the military EU HQs at the military-strategic and operational levels, respectively, for the needs of the exercise.

The exercise concentrated on decision making and planning at the military strategic and operational levels to launch an autonomous CSDP Military Operation within the framework of the EU Integrated Approach. The exercise also focused on the interaction between the EL EU OHQ, the EL EU FHQ and the EU Military Staff (EUMS).



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